I'm Abdi, Multi-disciplinary designer, working remotely. Currently working around web3, social utility, and democratizing access to the innovation economy.

Business photographer

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about me

Jala Mobile App Redesign

The aim of this project was to revamp the previous Jala mobile app to provide a better experience for the varieties of roles and user needs in shrimp farming management. Also adding the business need into the app.

Jala Landing Page Redesign

The solution for shrimp farming management system. Redesigning landing page for a better information.

Pond Page Redesign

Redesign the pond page for Jala Tech shrimp farming management product to increase the value in monitoring data for shrimp farming.

Graphic Insights

Create new features about shrimp farming analysis tool for technicians and experties in the field of shrimp farming.


Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello